Vertıcal Plate Shotblastıng Machıne PRODUCT VIDEOS

Usage areas

Especially for workshops which shotblast 80% plates and 20% profiles!
Vertically shotblasted plates are shot free at the exit, which allows less. Space usage at the facility, as well as less energy consumption compared to horizontal machines. Moreover, top turbines can be switched off for shorter plate widths, achieving manufacturing costs & energy savings.

Machine Types
Click on the machine types below to see Technical Specifications
  • Machine Code / Makine Kodu   SAT 2000DTN6
    Max.Sheet width/Max.Sac genişliği(mm)   2000
    Max.Profile H / Max.Profil yüksekliği(mm)   1000
    Blasting capacity / Püskürtme kapasitesi(KG/min)   960
    Turbine power * No./ Türbin gücü*sayısı(KW*units)   11 * 6
    Power consumption / Güç tüketimi (KW)   104
    Dimensions W*L*H /Ölçüler En*Boy*Yük. (mm)   7300*30400*8500
    Applications / Kullanım Alanları   Sheets&Profiles
    Sac & Profil
    SAT 2000DTN6
  • Machine Code / Makine Kodu   SAT 3000DTN8
    Max.Sheet width/Max.Sac genişliği(mm)   3000
    Max.Profile H / Max.Profil yüksekliği(mm)   1000
    Blasting capacity / Püskürtme kapasitesi(KG/min)   1280
    Turbine power * No./ Türbin gücü*sayısı(KW*units)   11 * 8
    Power consumption / Güç tüketimi (KW)   124
    Dimensions W*L*H /Ölçüler En*Boy*Yük. (mm)   5700*30400*9640
    Applications / Kullanım Alanları   Sheets&Profiles
    Sac & Profil
    SAT 3000DTN8
  • Machine Code / Makine Kodu   SAT 4000DTN8
    Max.Sheet width/Max.Sac genişliği(mm)   4000
    Max.Profile H / Max.Profil yüksekliği(mm)   ---
    Blasting capacity / Püskürtme kapasitesi(KG/min)   1280
    Turbine power * No./ Türbin gücü*sayısı(KW*units)   11 * 8
    Power consumption / Güç tüketimi (KW)   124
    Dimensions W*L*H /Ölçüler En*Boy*Yük. (mm)   5700*30400*10800
    Applications / Kullanım Alanları   Steel Sheets
    SAT 4000DTN8